Merits of Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib (as)

1. Virtue of Ali ibne Abi Talib (as)
Holy Prophet (sawa):
"Allah made the virtues of My brother Ali ibne Abi Talib(as), such that they cannot be counted but by Him. He who mentions one of these virtues admitting it, Allah shall forgive his past and future sins, even if he reached Judgment Day carrying the sins of the two Realms. 

He who writes a virtue of Ali ibne Abi Talib(as), the Angels shall ask Allah forgiveness for him as long as these words exist. 

He who listens to a virtue of Ali(as), Allah shall forgive his ears' sins, 

and he who sees a written virtue of Ali(as), Allah Shall forgive his eyes' sins. 

Then, Prophet Mohammad said: 
Looking at Ali is worship and mentioning and recalling him is worship as well. and no work or deed is accepted by Allah, except by loving and following him ...(wilaya) and baraat from his enemies."
Amali Al-saduq p201, 
Al Bihar Vol38 p196, 
Ta’weel Al-Ayat vol2 p888, 
Helyatul Abrar vol2 p 122, 
Kashful Ghumma vol 1 p109, 
Kashet Al- Yakin p4, 
One hundred Mankaba p176,
Yanabe’e Al Mawada vol1 p364.)

2. Sirat al Mustaqeem (Straight path) 
Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (as) narrates,
“Siratul Mustaqeem is Ameerul Momineen Ali(a.s) ibn Abi Talib (as).“

Regarding this saying of Allah, “Keep us on the straight path (siratul mustaqeem)”
(Surah -01: Aayat -06), 

Imam (as) says, “Siratul mustaqeem (straight path) is Ameerul Momineen (a.s).

Allah says in His book,
“And surely it is in the original of the Book with us, truly elevated, full of wisdom”,
(Surah 43: Aayat - 04)

Ameerul Momineen (a.s) is umm al Kitab (original of the book). This is in accordance with the saying of Allah, “Keep us on the straight path”.
(Maani ul Akbar, Page-32)

3. Imam Ali (a) and Surah Zilzal
It is narrated from Fatima (s) that:
In the time of the caliphate of Abu Bakr (la) an earthquake occurred in the city of Medina. People, worried and afraid tried to take refuge in Abu Bakr’s (la) and `Umar’s (la) house, but Abu Bakr (la) and `Umar (la) were themselves frightened and were going to `Ali’s (a) house. Everyone followed Abu Bakr (la) and `Umar (la) to `Ali’s (a) house. When they reached Ali’s (a) house,

Ali (a) came out of the house in a normal state and was not worried or frightened. He went forward and the people followed him until they reached a hill. They all sat at the top of the hill and were looking at the buildings and houses of Medina and saw that its walls were violently moving due to the intensity of the earthquake.

Ali (a) stated, “It is apparent that this incident which you are witnessing has frightened you ?

The people said, “How can we not be frighten when we have never seen such an earthquake before ?

Fatima (s) stated: Ali (a) moved his lips [and whispered something] and then hit the ground with his hand and said, ”What is the matter with you, be calm !

The ground became calm. People were more amazed at seeing the act of Imam `Ali than the earthquake. Imam Ali (a) stated, “Were you surprised with what I did ?”

The people said, “Yes.”

Imam `Ali (a) stated, “I am that human being about whom Allah (swt) the most excellent and noble has stated: {When the earth is shaken with her (violent) shaking, And the earth brings forth her burdens, And man says: What has befallen her?} (Zilzal, 1-4), I am the human being who asks the earth why it is shaking, what has happened? {On that day she shall tell her news}. The ground will [then] inform me [of all its news].
(Dala'il al imamah, Bihar Al-Anwar & ilal Al-Sharai of shaikh saduq & others. for persian translation of the naration see sayed hussain, islami, musnad e Fatima Al-Zahra (s), Qom, Annsariya publication, 1383 H.S, Page 55-57)

Abu Abdullah, Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
On the Day of Resurrection, an announcer will announce from inside the Throne: "Where is the Khalifa of Allah on earth?"
So Dawood, the Prophet, will stand up and the voice from Allah, Most High, will say:
"We do not mean you, although you were Allah's Khalifa."
Then a second announcement will be made:
"Where is Allah's Khalifa on earth?"
Then Amirul Mo'mineen, Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, will rise.
So a voice will come from Allah, Most High:
"O people! This Ali b. Abi Talib is the khalifa of Allah on His earth and His proof over His slaves.
So whoever adhered to his rope while on earth, should hang on to his rope here (also), so that he may have the benefit of his light and may follow him in the rising ranks of Paradise."
He said: A group of people will rise who had adhered to his rope during life on earth, and will follow him into Paradise.
Then there will be announcement from Allah, Most High:
"O those who followed a leader while living on earth, follow him as he goes, and they will go with him."
That will be the time when those who led will dissociate themselves from those who followed them, and they will see the chastisement, and all relations between them will be severed.
'And those who followed will say:
if only we had one more chance, we would dissociate ourselves from them, as they have disowned themselves from us.
'Thus will Allah show them their deeds as anguish for them and never will they come out of the hellfire.' (2:166,167).
(Al Amali of Sheikh Mufid Thirty Fourth Assembly pg 244). 


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