J.Mohsin Ibne Ali (as) Killers

J.Mohsin Ibne Ali (as) Killers
1. Who killed Mohsin ibne Ali (a.s)
[1]Imam Ali(a.s) and Abbas were sitting inside the house of Fatimah, Abu Bakr told Umar: "Go and bring them; if they refuse, kill them." Umar brought fire to burn the house. Fatimah came near the door and said: "O son of Khattab, have you come to burn our house on me and my children?" Umar replied: "Yes I will, by Allah, until they come out and pay allegiance to the Prophet's Caliph."
[2]The historian named the following people among those who attacked the house of Fatimah to disperse people who sheltered there:

Umar Ibn al-Khattab
Khalid Ibn Walid
Abdurrahman Ibn Ouf
Thabit Ibn Shammas
Ziad Ibn Labid
Muhammad Ibn Maslamah
Salamah Ibn Waqash
Salamah Ibn Aslam
Usaid Ibn Hozair
Zaid Ibn Thabit
[3]"They attacked FATIMAH'S (s.a.) house. They Crushed the Chief of All Women behind the door so violently that it resulted in the miscarriage of MOHSIN (a.s.)"
[4] Killers of Mohsin Ibn Ali (a.s.) will find a most painful chastisement awaiting them on the Day of Resurrection. Allah the Almighty will take them to task before all other tyrants and oppressors.
It is related that on the Day of Resurrection, the first person who will be rendered justice and called for judgment will be Mohsin Ibn Ali (a.s.). His murderer along with Qunfuz will be brought and flogged with whips of fire – a single strike of which is enough to dry up all the oceans of the earth and likewise a single strike on the mountains is enough to crush them into ashes. The murderers of Mohsin Ibn Ali (a.s.) will be struck with this whip.

[1] Sunni reference:
Iqd al-Fareed, by Ibn Abd Rabb,
Part-03,Page-63 Al-Ghurar, by Ibn Khazaben, related from Zayd Ibn Aslam

[2] Sunni reference:
Al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah by Ibn Qutaybah,Vol-1,Page-03,19 & 20.

[3] Masoodi in Isbaat al - Wilaayah, Page 142

[4]Behar al-Anwaar,Vol-28,Page-64;
BAITUL AHZAAN,PG-176, MUSANNIF:Mohaddis e Akbar Sheikh Abbas Qummi(Saaheb e Mafaateeh-ul-Jinnan)

2. Punishment to The killers of Mohsin ibne Ali (a.s)
Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq(a.s) :
“When Holy Prophet(SAWA) went to Meraj , Allah(swt) said to him.

On the day of Qayamat first of all whom I will seek and will punish him will be the killer of Mohsin Ibne Ali and will beat him with the whip of fire in such a way that if one of it is struck in the river, it will become hot from east to west and if it is hit on any mountain of the world it will be crumble into pieces”.
(Jila ul Uyoon, Pg-238)


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